What is Waverley Council doing about affordable housing?
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Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent
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In early 2019, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment announced that, under State Environmental Planning Policy 70, all Councils were eligible to impose a condition of consent on new development for contributions to affordable housing.
In the Waverley LGA, there is an undeniable need to provide affordable housing for low-to-moderate income households.
The household income to house price ratio has risen from 4 in 1994 to 12 in 2016.
Additionally, rent in the Waverley LGA (for all dwellings) is circa 130% higher than the Sydney average.
Council’s proposes to reduce this impact by increasing the supply of dedicated affordable housing available to these households.
In particular, Waverley Council is now awaiting Gateway determination from the planning department for the introduction of a new affordable housing contribution requirement on all new residential apartment developments.
That is, a 1% flat levy, as well as a contribution of 10% of gross floor area to be dedicated to affordable housing for sites that receive planning uplift through planning controls.
Apartment developments mean residential flat buildings, shop-top housing and mixed-use projects with residential components.
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