Westmead Place Strategy 2036

Written by

Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent

Westmead Place Strategy 2036 has very recently been finalised and released.

The NSW Government’s vision for Westmead is to be Australia’s premier health and innovation district – an ecosystem for new discoveries, economic growth and global recognition. 

The strategy identifies 5 moves and ideas that will allegedly enable transformation of the precinct from what it is now to the precinct envisaged for 2036:

  1. drive change in the innovation ecosystem to accelerate delivery of Australia’s premier health and innovation precinct,
  2. cherish and protect places of significance, conserve and revitalise heritage and cultural assets to create exceptional places,
  3. activate and connect our community with vibrant, diverse and well-connected public spaces and places,
  4. deliver high-quality and diverse housing for students, workers and professionals with optimal liveability outcomes, and
  5. capitalise on transport connectivity and reduce car dependency.

This strategy will have relevance during strategic planning processes and planning proposals through future Ministerial Direction.
The Direction will require planning authorities to give effect to the strategy by considering the vision, objectives, planning priorities and actions set out in the strategy.

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