Macquarie Park: Lachlan’s Line Grows 24 Storeys Taller
As part of the broader vision for Lachlan’s Line, a 24-storey residential development project has been approved at 3 Halifax Street in Macquarie Park….
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Uniting has submitted a scoping report with the NSW Planning Department for a residential aged care facility and independent living units at the Uniting War Memorial site located within the confines of Bronte Road, Birrell Street, Carrington Road and Church Street in Waverley.
Uniting has been providing community health and aged care services in Waverley for over 100 years. The War Memorial Hospital is an important building within the Waverley Estate that will always be preserved and respected and is not being redeveloped. Whilst the current plans allow for expansion of hospital services, this will take place in conjunction with NSW Health and with respect to the site’s heritage value.
Part of the expansion plans include 105 – 114 new aged care beds, together with 210 – 230 seniors living units across a total of 43,000 sqm of floor area. These units will be split amongst 6 x separate buildings ranging from circa 14 – 24 metres in height. These works will result in demolition of the Cadi Cottage and the adaptive reuse of the site’s existing heritage items.
Screenshot of the circa 35,000 sqm landholding
With the 35,000 sqm hospital site being predominately zoned SP2 Infrastructure (Health Services Facilities) and partly R3 Medium Density Residential under Waverley LEP, Uniting is also seeking for ancillary land uses to support future operational functions. This includes short-term accommodation and food & drink premises, such as café’s and restaurants.
The plans to expand the site have been informed by years of negotiation with Waverley Council to establish a planning framework that is capable of supporting Uniting’s plans. This has included two rezoning proposals to improve the site’s height limit and floor space ratio, as well as allowed ‘seniors housing’ to be an additional permitted use on the site, which is prohibited under the SP2 Infrastructure zone under Waverley LEP.
On delivery, the plans will provide accommodation and services to the Waverley community and surrounding areas and meet the significant increase in demand for aged care services in the future. By harmonising existing land uses, Uniting will create a cohesive site capable of leveraging existing shortages in beds within the aged care and seniors living sectors.
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