Wagga Wagga suburb set to benefit from a major urban renewal process

Written by

Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent


Tolland Estate is characterised by large areas of land and housing owned by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation, Aboriginal Housing office and members of the community.

LAHC is partnering with the Aboriginal Housing Office, the Argyle Consortium (consisting of Argyle Housing, Birrabee Housing and BlueCHP) and Wagga Wagga City Council on this urban renewal project. The aim of the renewal is to enable Tolland, being 4km south of Wagga Wagga CBD, to grow into a vibrant, healthy, socially and economically diverse and sustainable community.

By way of context, the project site comprises the western portion of the suburb of Tolland. The project area is about 675,000 square metres and includes 614 existing residential properties, comprising 227 social housing dwellings and 387 private homes. The estate also includes a community centre, a private school and public school, a place of worship and two recreational parks within the project site.

A planning proposal has been lodged and is with the State’s planning department to rezone the lots within the estate to R1 General Residential. The intended outcome of this rezoning will see an improvement of over 67,500 square metres of community parklands, including an additional 16,000 square metres of new parklands.

About 500 homes, including an additional 270 homes, will be delivered across the master-planned estate, increasing the housing supply during a time of significant need. New homes will include lots for sale to the private market, enabling people to purchase and build their new home, as well as new, modern social and affordable housing that fits seamlessly into the local streetscape.

675,000 square metre estate

The master plan incorporates a precinct-wide approach to the provision of supporting infrastructure, including roads, utilities, drainage basins, footpaths and landscaping. This process includes the reconfiguration of existing road and drainage lots owned by Council, as well as the distribution of the open space and residential uses. This rezoning will provide the correct land use permissibility and public land classifications.

Provision of housing is a current priority for all levels of government, particularly affordable housing in regional NSW. Tolland has been identified in the Wagga Wagga Local Strategic Planning Statement as an opportunity for broadscale urban renewal. That renewal is aimed at improving housing choice, amenity and community space, combined with improved connectivity, public spaces and facilities to deliver on improved socioeconomic outcomes. A variety of housing typologies will be offered to suit the needs of the community, including the needs of youth, low-income, key workers and seniors.

Tolland is 4km south of Wagga Wagga CBD, which is NSW’s largest inland regional city. It is home to more than 67,000 people and the central hub for much of the region’s east. Wagga Wagga includes a well-established commercial district, emergency services facilities, a hospital and administration centre.

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