Transport infrastructure upgrade for Picton Road
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Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent
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An estimated 22,000 drivers travel daily through the Picton Road and M31 Hume Motorway intersection which is set to be upgraded.
A diverging diamond interchange has been proposed for the location and TfNSW has sought feedback on the design.
Long-term planning highlighted the need for a pretty big infrastructure project of which this interchange is part of.
The Picton Road interchange would remove right-hand turn movements across oncoming traffic.
Instead, when entering the interchange, vehicle would cross over the road via traffic lights to the opposing side of the road.
The road system will be severely tested with a predicted increase of 73,000 new homes in the surrounding Macarthur and Wilton regions by 2040.
Timing and funding for construction of the interchange are yet to be confirmed.
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