Macquarie Park: Lachlan’s Line Grows 24 Storeys Taller
As part of the broader vision for Lachlan’s Line, a 24-storey residential development project has been approved at 3 Halifax Street in Macquarie Park….
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After much back and forth, Homes NSW (formerly the NSW Land and Housing Corporation) has finalised stage 1 of their master plan for Riverwood Estate.
Homes NSW led a rezoning proposal for the 30-hectare estate in consultation with the NSW planning department, Canterbury-Bankstown Council, Georges River Council and Government Architect NSW.
Originally, Homes NSW’s landholding was earmarked for 3,900 new homes, ranging from 3-12 storeys with an abundance of open space and non-discretionary retail tenancies. Changes to market conditions, including increases in construction costs and uncertainty around infrastructure delivery, has necessitated Homes NSW to substantially revise the scope of the proposal.
Stage 1 of the estate in blue highlight, with the broader estate in red highlight
Homes NSW will continue to delivery the broader master plan for the estate and in the meantime has finalised stage 1, which is 16,265 sqm in size. Stage 1 of the master plan is located along Belmore Road, within a 5 – 7 minute walk to the station and is bounded by Washington Avenue and Roosevelt Avenue to the north and south.
This stage will include 420 new apartments, with 8-storeys proposed along Belmore Road and 12-storeys at the corner of Roosevelt Avenue and Virigina Place. Height controls will increase from 11.5 metres to part 29 and 42 metres to facilitate high-density development. Additionally, select retail uses are proposed on the ground floors, including the potential for a supermarket and other neighbourhood shops.
The anticipated tenure mix will be 50% social and affordable housing and 50% market housing, as well as provision of a new childcare centre.
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