Planning Minister gives the nod to GPT’s Kemps Creek industrial estate

Written by

Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent


GPT has received the green light for a concept master plan and staged industrial development at 754 – 770 and 784 – 786 Mamre Road in Kemps Creek.

In particular, a master plan for 5 x industrial warehouses has been approved, as well as a Stage 1 approval for subdivision and construction of Warehouse 1 and 3. These warehouses will contain a gross floor area close to 55,000 square metres. A separate Stage 2 application will be lodged for Warehouse 2, 4 and 5.

GPT’s vision is to deliver a state-of-the-art industrial logistics estate within the Mamre Road Precinct to service the future Western Sydney Airport and deliver on the precinct’s objective to provide much-needed industrial supply, jobs and investment. In particular, GPT will:

  • deliver an innovative logistics estate that is compatible with the 24/7 airport operations,
  • create a sustainable logistics estate that responds to the changing landscape of industrial services, and
  • deliver employment opportunities and support the realisation of the Mamre Road Precinct.

Western Sydney Aerotropolis Structure Plan

Western Sydney has been long recognised as the key focus for Sydney’s long term future supply of industrial land. GPT’s site has been designated for future employment land since 2014 when the NSW government announced a proposal to expand the Western Sydney Employment Area to dedicate a further 4,574 hectares of employment land.

In particular, GPT’s site was the subject of a fast-tracked rezoning in 2020 to expedite the delivery of jobs and support the declining supply of industrial services land. Since the rezoning, various major landholdings within the Mamre Road Precinct, including those directly adjoining the site, have become subject of industrial development proposals.

GPT’s logistics estate has undergone an iterative design process to achieve a design approach which is both contextually appropriate and suitable for the site. The evolving nature of the Mamre Road Precinct has meant that the design has developed concurrently with recent planning changes, particularly as a result of the draft Mamre Road Precinct DCP.

It is the intention of GPT to create a logistics estate that is flexible, high-quality and sustainable that will support the needs of end-user tenants and responds to the vision of the broader Mamre Road Precinct. In particular, the estate will respond to the critical shortage of serviced, zoned employment land by delivering over 1800 jobs, which is over 10% of the 17,000 jobs intended to be delivered under the Mamre Road Precinct.

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