North Sydney: Council Backflips on Cremorne Heritage Listings

Written by

Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent


Pathway Residences – a seniors housing provider – was proposing a seniors living development for a prime row of homes in Cremorne, comprising 60 independent living units across 2 x 4-storey buildings and a 6-8 storey building. The twelve homes include 50 – 56, 70 – 72 and 78 – 88 Parraween Street in Cremorne.

On hearing the development news, angry residents petitioned North Sydney Council after learning the existing Federation properties were to be demolished. Council then called an extraordinary meeting, placing an Interim Heritage Order over the sites.

Mayor Zoe Baker said at the time, “This is an unusual call for a meeting, but it is well justified because of the need for us to protect the scale, the character, and the heritage significance of Parraween St.”

Row of 12 homes on Parraween St, Cremorne

Council subsequently lodged a planning proposal to heritage list the 12 properties, as well downzone the existing sites from R4 High Density Residential with 12 metre height limits to R3 Medium Density Residential and an 8.5 metre height limit. The rationale behind this was that any high-density residential development on Parraween Street would result in a fundamental conflict and inappropriate interface with future listed heritage items.

Although gateway approval was issued by the Department of Planning to heritage list and downzone the sites mid-2023, Council reconsidered its stance and made a post-exhibition change. The change responds to the independent heritage review prepared by Kemp & Johnson Heritage Consultants for Council.

With the amended LEP being gazetted on 7 May 2024, the properties at 78 – 88 Parraween Street have been identified as local heritage listings within Schedule 5 of North Sydney LEP, whereas the remaining six properties have not been listed. The downzoning was also dropped by Council. The reason being that the group of homes from 78 – 88 Parraween Street form a contiguous group of relatively intact houses and are good examples of modest Federation Queen Anne style houses.

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