New Schools Planned For Booming Marsden Park

Written by

Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent

State-led strategic planning of the Marsden Park land release associated with the North West Growth Centre identified a 6-hectare site at Elara Boulevard, Melonba to provide a new primary school and high school to cater for the booming population in the area.

The project involves the delivery of two new schools – Marsden Park High School and Melonba Primary School – to cater for a combined 3000 students.

The proposal consists of 1 and 3 storey buildings around the perimeter of the site to maximise outdoor space while minimising acoustic and privacy impacts to and from adjacent development. It also includes transport infrastructure upgrades including construction of 7 pedestrian crossings and shared paths around the perimeter of the site.

The site is zoned R2 Low Density Residential under Appendix 11 of the Blacktown Growth Centre Precincts Plan of the Central River City SEPP. Development for the purpose of an educational establishment is permissible with consent in this zone.

The proposal exceeds the maximum height of building control of 9m with a maximum proposed height of up to 13.5m.

The Environmental Impact Statement has been lodged with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and is now on public exhibition.

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