New high school planned for Wentworth Point

Written by

Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent

Health Infrastructure’s State Significant Development Application (or Crown DA) for the redevelopment of Shoalhaven Hospital is on exhibition with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. 

The project involves construction of a 7-storey hospital building with a rooftop plant, helipad, ambulance entry from Shoalhaven Street, loading dock and mortuary parking, including demolition works, earthworks, subdivision, tree removal and landscaping. 

The Shoalhaven Hospital redevelopment was announced following completion of the Shoalhaven Hospital Clinical Services Plan in November 2020, as prepared by the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District. 

The vision for the redevelopment is for the hospital to be the health hub for the region, providing for the majority of emergency, critical care, acute, subacute and non-admitted services locally, and reducing the need to transfer patients to Wollongong and Sydney. 

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