Neutral Bay: What’s in store for the town centre?

Written by

Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent

Between 2018 and 2021, the North Sydney Council prepared a planning study for the Military Road Corridor focussing on the Neutral Bay Town Centre.

The study was endorsed by Council in February 2021 but about 12 months later, Council resolved to rescind the study in response to community concerns.

Council is now preparing a revised planning study, with the aim this time to strike a better balance between development height and the provision of public spaces and facilities.

The planning study will guide future development proposals within the centre, which may include targeted modest increases in height and density, while retaining the village’s atmosphere.

The community objected to the proposed increases in building height and the schemes for the key sites. In particular, local residents were concerned that high-rise development would adversely impact views and compromise solar access for existing residents.

Views from Bent Street, Neutral Bay


The Neutral Bay Town Centre is a mixed-use commercial and residential area containing retailing, hospitality and entertainment uses, as well as commercial office spaces servicing the business needs of the local population.

The precinct includes a major supermarket, two small retail malls, a school, two council-owned car parks and a community centre.

It generally comprises of large consolidated sites intermixed with long narrow sites with dual frontage. Military Road is a major regional thoroughfare, linking the Lower North Shore and Sydney City with Mosman and the Northern Beaches.

A number of laneways dissect the study area, providing both pedestrian and vehicular access to Neutral Bay Town Centre.

Data from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment last year showed that 23 out of 33 Sydney councils will not meet 2021 – 2026 housing targets. North Sydney is expected to have a shortfall of close to 600 homes. 

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