Kevlin Park Drive: First concept DA lodged

Written by

Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent


As a first mover development, the 5-acre site can set positive benchmarks for the precinct, fulfilling the objectives of the Aerotropolis vision, anticipating and stimulating surrounding development while providing robustness to change as it transitions over the coming decades.

The concept approval lodged with the NSW planning department seeks consent for mixed-use buildings in 4 x main blocks, consisting of 8 – 16 x storeys and podiums ranging from 3 – 4 storeys. A central mid-block connection is also proposed to facilitate connection to future adjacent developments from east-to-west. About 50,000 square metres of GFA is proposed, including a 2000 square metre supermarket store and circa 400 apartments.

The early-stage project is an opportunity to set a benchmark, particularly for the row of similarly scaled sites in the immediate vicinity. Roadway and pedestrian linkages, massing alignment and continuity of landscape spaces are attributes that should be considered across the precinct as a whole.

Built Form Massing Plan

Western Sydney Aerotropolis is a dense urban precinct planned around the Metro Station and the Wianamatta-South Creek Corridor system. It is defined by a new regional park system along Thompsons Creek and a focus on the new metropolitan centre.

Only one State significant DA has been approved in the immediate area to the site, being 215 Badgerys Creek Road in Bringelly, which is being redeveloped into an advanced manufacturing research facility. The Aerotropolis Core is still in its early stages of development, with the policy frameworks having only been published within the past year or so.

The overall composition of development within the area consists of large plots of land, a low-density residential neighbourhood characterised by one and two storey detached dwellings with secondary dwellings, outbuildings, or garages to the rear of the primary dwellings.

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