Goodman’s monster multi-storey $207m warehouse development
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Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent
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Located at 1 – 3 Burrow Road in St Peters, Goodman’s proposal involves design, construction and operation of a three-storey warehouse and distribution centre.
The vision for the site is to transform it into a functional and adaptive multi-storey warehouse building that will support the provision of warehouse and distribution uses in a highly accessible location and build upon strong e-commerce drivers close to Sydney Airport, Port Botany, Cooks River Intermodal Terminal and the Sydney CBD.
Included is 52,150sqm of total gross floor area, comprising 47,000sqm of warehouse and distribution space, 5000sqm for ancillary office space and a café tenancy on the ground floor.
All warehouse and office facilities will operate 24/7, with the main activities including the loading and unloading of goods, heavy rigid vehicle movements and office operations to support the warehouse and distribution centres, including gym amenities.
Under the Sydney LEP, the site previously had an 18m height limit.
However, Goodman’s successfully obtained approval in September 2020 to increase the building height to 30m.
As part of the competitive design process, the jury resolved that the Welsh and Major scheme best demonstrated the ability to achieve design excellence under clause 6.21 of the Sydney LEP.
Plans allow for 6000 LEDs in the front facades of the warehouse to create a 700m canvas facing onto Canal and Burrows Road, facilitating opportunities for public art.
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