Burnett Street Neighbourhood Centre: Rezoning Finalised

Cumberland Council has officially finalised and gazetted a new planning framework for Burnett Street neighbourhood centre in Merrylands. The purpose of the rezoning is to expand the neighbourhood centre and improve its density.
Housing Delivery Authority: Fresh Framework for Rezonings and DAs

Minns Government recently announced the establishment of a new state-led approval pathway for major residential housing projects, as well as a process for rezonings – neither having to be approved by councils.
Wallacia Cemetery: A Restful Vision for the Future

In a move to meet the growing need for burial spaces across Greater Sydney, a landmark cemetery development has been proposed at Wallacia.
Australia’s Most Beautiful Pool: Cost Blowout Saga Continues

North Sydney’s 85-year-old pool project faces fresh delays, budget blowouts and construction errors. Thousands of north shore residents could be slugged with huge council bills, as council considers a massive rate hike.
Hungry Jack’s and Starbucks Unite: Oran Park’s New Double Delight

Greenfields Development Company has lodged a DA to bring a Hungry Jack’s 24/7 restaurant and drive-thru to Oran Park. The site is located at 3 Dunk Place.
Place for People: Woolworths Neutral Bay

After winning gateway approval earlier in the year, Fabcot’s rezoning proposal for its mixed-use site at 1 – 7 Rangers Road and 50 Yeo Street in Neutral Bay is in the final stages of planning. The amended local environmental plan is with the Parliamentary Counsel for drafting.
Burrah Park: A Global Gateway for Jobs and Innovation in Western Sydney

Western Sydney Aerotropolis is set to become even more of a bustling hub of opportunity with the public exhibition of a major DA for Burrah Park – a groundbreaking warehouse and logistics estate in the Northern Gateway Precinct.
Pyrmont & Ultimo: A Vision for Growth and Heritage Harmony

NSW Government is reshaping the future of Ultimo and Pyrmont with ambitious planning controls that promise to transform the area into a vibrant urban hub.
Villawood Rezoning: Fairfield Council Expands Town Centre Boundaries

Villawood’s town centre will change positively for the local community, after the local and State planning authorities recently gazetted a rezoning proposal to facilitate a mixed-use retail development moments from Villawood Station.
Goodman: Driving Industrial Expansion at Horsley Park

Goodman – a digital infrastructure company – is in early stages of the master planning process for Precinct 2 within the Oakdale East Industrial Estate. The estate is located at 2 – 10 Wallgrove Road in Horsley Park on about 62 hectares of land.