564 complementary apartments around the Caddens Corner

Written by

Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent


Holdmark is proposing a staged, multi-level development, comprising 564 residential apartments across 19 buildings and 1083 square metres of retail floor space across the ground floor. The existing carpark will be demolished to make way for an outdoor public square, alongside a new dining precinct.

Formerly containing a drive-in theatre, the site contains close to 55,000 square metres of land. It is partially zoned employment and high-density residential with a 15-metre height limit. It is proposed that 16 of the 19 buildings will exceed this height limit to assist with delivering a superior urban design outcome.

Following the second Design Review Panel for the project, at a pre-lodgement meeting, Council requested a planning proposal be sought for the height and commercial gross floor area proposed. In response, the applicant noted that planning proposals are an appropriate planning tool to address permissibility and uplift. In this case, the proposed development is permissible and does not seek to develop the site beyond the intensity intended by the current planning framework. Height variations can be adequately addressed by a clause 4.6 variation request.

Aerial image of the site showing the split zoning 

The site is located within the nominated Precinct (Local) Centre of the Werrington Enterprise Living and Learning Precinct. Undertaken in 2004, this precinct strategy sought to build a precinct around the growth of Kingswood’s Western Sydney University campus and TAFE.

Surrounding the site is a mixture of land uses, including the Caddens Corner Shopping Centre and recently constructed low density residential dwellings of mixed architectural styles.

Caddens Corner occupies a portion of the site at 68 O’Connell Street. It was constructed a few years ago with a gross floor area of 10,127 square metres, featuring a full-line Woolworths supermarket and 35 speciality shops, including a childcare centre, medical centre, dental clinic and gym.

A review of the development pipeline in Penrith LGA indicates the potential for circa 50,000 square metres of retail floorspace over the next 5 years. Most of this supply will be delivered through mixed-use developments in the Penrith City Centre, with notable developments including:

  • Thornton Estate – 8,500 square metres of retail floor space by 2023, and
  • Penrith Panthers precinct – 12,500 square metres of retail floor space by 2025.


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