3000 more homes for North Appin?

Written by

Charbel Abousleiman
Urban Planning Lawyer & Buyers Agent


Under assessment by the State’s planning department is Ingham Property Group’s proposal for 3000 new homes at 345 Appin Road in North Appin.

In particular, the rezoning proposal comprises 301 hectares in the North Appin Precinct, which forms part of the Greater Macarthur Growth Area. The master planned estate will deliver the following community benefits:

  • a range of low and medium density dwellings with 5% of medium density dwellings to be provided as affordable housing,
  • a new local centre to include a primary school (with the potential for a future high school in the adjacent North Appin Precinct landholding), community facilities, a range of retail services, medical centre, gym and childcare services,
  • direct and indirect jobs during the construction stage and up to 353 on-site and 317 work from home employment opportunities as part of the ongoing operation of the development.


A precinct will be delivered that provides a significant quantum of high-quality housing choices and a community with 30-minute proximity to employment and key centres such as Campbelltown-Macarthur, Camden and Wollongong. Legally, this vision will be realised by amending the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Western Parkland City) 2021 with a new appendix to include the site and rezone the land based on an aligned structure plan to Urban Development and C2 Environmental Conservation.

Aerial map of the 301-hectare site and its context

The lodgment of this proposal follows extensive pre-lodgement engagement with the Department of Planning and Environment and Wollondilly Shire Council in the context of the long-standing strategic allocation of the site.

In November 2022, the Planning Secretary, as delegate for the Minister for Planning, confirmed that the site is of environmental planning significance to the Western District of the Western Parkland City and that the Planning Secretary had been appointed as the planning proposal authority for the proposed instrument.

The site consists of 301 hectares of mostly cleared grazing land. It is bound by Appin Road to the east as a main road connector that also provides access to the site.

Along Appin Road to the immediate southeast is the existing Appin township, which consists primarily of low-density residential land uses, supported by local retail, business services and Appin Public School.

The western boundary of the site is heavily vegetated, comprising of Cumberland Plain Woodland, which aligns with the streams and creeks that converge along the site’s western boundary and feed into the Nepean River.

This site is among 3 sites in Appin which were placed on a priority list for fast-tracked assessment last year by the former NSW Liberal Government. This proposal follows the recent approval issued to Walker Corporation for 12,000 homes in Appin.

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